10 April 2021

JAMinJAR winner of Red Dot 2020

It’s finally time to start again.

Despite everything, Italy is and remains the country of good food, good living, fashion and style. We are unanimously recognized as the country of beauty: landscapes, arts, forms.

Our reconstruction must therefore be different. Unique. Beautiful. Italian.

We Italians are the undisciplined, poorly organized and messy ones. But we’re creative, we make what seems not to be possible, we sense solutions when others seem lost. And we do it by pursuing beauty.

Our products, environments, spaces will have to be thoroughly redesigned, maintaining class, style and elegance.

It is therefore time to focus on what we do well to return to being the most envied country in the world: pursuing beauty, with intelligent solutions.

The JaminJar dispenser by Menz&Gasser won the Red Dot Award for Product Design 2020 award for beauty and functionality: an international recognition for Italian design.