28 April 2024

What do children think about safety at work

🛠️ At Menz&Gasser, workplace safety has always been a crucial issue: our HSE (Health, Safety, Environment) department works daily to ensure a safe working environment for all our colleagues and to encourage them to adopt appropriate behaviours.

👷 This year, to mark the World Day for Safety and Health at Work on April 28, we chose to further involve our colleagues by organising a small contest that also included their families.

We asked our colleagues’ children to illustrate what workplace safety means to them: the drawings you see in this photo are some of their heartfelt contributions that we have displayed in our company 👇

In every department at Menz&Gasser, there are manuals detailing the risks and best practices to follow to work safely and healthily.

🦺 A way to remind ourselves every day that safety and health at work are a priority for everyone: the company, its colleagues, and their families.